Saturday, October 11, 2008


Yesterday was a hard one. I awoke near dawn to a splitting headache, a killer, make you dizzy when you try to walk to the bathroom doozey. So I spent the day in bed, sleeping and trying to relax away the pain. Keeping m eyes closed always helps lessen the pain and since it was a first since being away it took a while to find my comfort zone….but I am feeling better, a little stronger today. Took a walk on the beach in the light of the Full Moon and ate some fresh fruit and morning glory. What I really miss is real dark chocolate. I can find candy bars and some knock-off chocolate candies but I would love some rich dark chocolate squares, like 69-70% or more dark, mmmmhhmmm! Ah well, ya take what you can get sometimes and my adventure so far has had few down-sides so a temporary sacrifice of really good chocolate isn’t destroying me just yet ;P

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