Sunday, March 1, 2009

Divine Loves Secret

The secret to making divine love a reality lies in feeling and expressing all the emotions that don't feel like love, and doing so free of any blame or criticism. Since emotional upsets are always opportunities to heal the past, I agree to breathe every breathe as deeply as possible since the more deeply I breathe the greater my awareness of the emotions that are buried deep inside me.

To the people in my life I say "you have my permission to be emotionally honest with me and I ask for your permission to be emotionally honest with you" At those times when you get triggered into and emotionally upset by something I have said or done, rather than withdrawing, I ask that you express your emotion directly to me while keeping in mind that I am not to blame for what you are feeling. Instead of getting defensive, I will do my best to receive your honest emotional expression as a gift.

And with your permission when I feel hurt or angry or frightened in relation to something you've said or done, I will not withdraw from you but express my emotion openly with the awareness that you are not to blame for what I am feeling. At such times, I will ask that you receive my honest emotional expression as a gift, even if my emotion is difficult for you to be with.

In addition, if I speak critically of you, please remind me to explore my own irritation rather than continuing to focus on what I think is wrong with you. And if you get critical of me I will remind you to explore your inner irritation rather than continuing to focus on what you perceive is wrong with me.

By being together in these ways, to the best of our abilities, we can help one another remove the barriers which keep us separate and stand in the way of the intimacy and uncondional love we long for.

Breathe deeply feel and express every emotion that arises, do not blame, criticize or get defensive, and remember that emotional upsets are always blessings in disguise....herein lies the secret to making divine love a reality.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good post! Funny how emotions work;-)

I miss you. When are you coming home?