Saturday, September 6, 2008


Today I spent the day making cookies with Dex, I know you may say it doesn’t take all day to make some cookies but it was quite the undertaking. We had to go to 3 different places to get the ingredients, and western foods are expensive and a bit of a pain to come by here. So we found Chocolate chips and cocoa powder at Limpipong market (nice selection of baking supplies here, yay!), vanilla and butter at Big A’s (they carry lots of western items but its way overpriced), and eggs, salt and sugar at Tesco Lotus (which is as close to an actual supermarket as it gets). It is so silly to picture, me walking up and down the aisles looking for stuff that is totally not where you would expect it to be and it is all written in Thai anyway….for instance pepper and salt are nowhere near each other on the shelves, salt is a baking ingredient and pepper is a condiment. It was so much fun to be sharing an activity that reminded me a bit of home tho, and I haven’t had western style sweets/snacks since I got here. Dex had all the tools and appliances needed; mixer, bowls and even a convection oven! The chocolate chocolate chip heaven we created was soooo worth all the work :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... Coookies!!!