Friday, September 5, 2008


I am finding myself settling into a more comfortable groove in my traveling lately, it just comes with time I suppose but at the beginning absolutely everything was so complicated and exhausting. My routines are more streamlined and I think I am just losing some of the control and little luxuries needs I I have always clung to….my packing is lighter and my needs much more basic than I had initially demanded of myself, I am loving the freedom. I can pack and unpack all my stuff much quicker than when I started and all these little things like that are adding up to a much easier experience overall…I can tell it will only get even easier as it goes on. I am feeling much more rested and much less overwhelmed. I almost suspect I may have a harder time readjusting at the end of this adventure to my old routines back home :) Today my thanks are in honoring my own rhythms….


silvergirl0420 said...

I am so glad your having an amazing time......but you have to come have to still come home for me....kisses

silvergirl0420 said...

I am so glad your having an amazing time, but you have to come home for me!I have been very busy with no time for being social.....I am feeling lonely.