Monday, August 11, 2008


So I know its technically only day 5 but it feels like I have been here for so much longer, I have squeezed so much in and barely had time to sleep. I may have to think of slowing the pace to keep it up for 4 more months……or not ;P I have learned some Thai and can kinda communicate :P and know enough of the lay of the land to find the places and people I want to…..and the city is kinda growing on me. Yes at first my eco-sensibilities were a little offended by the smog, smell and ALL the trash but the people are so polite (granted everyone is hustling something) but they are really nice. Great attitudes and superb service.

I think I have adjusted to the time change well enough, since I have always been a night owl anyway its working out fine. Tomorrow is a national holiday (queen’s birthday) known as mothers day so it oughta be a fun night since pretty much ALL Thais are off work tomorrow :) Also a little trivia fact for the day the King of Thailand was actually born in Austin TX!! and he is the only living monarch to have been born in the

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